I’m New Here!

I’m New Here!

By registering in our parish, you officially join the Our Lady of the Assumption parish community. Membership requires signing up, formally enrolling yourself (and your children) in our parish. Registration is a commitment to a community, a way to be included in the religious, social and ministerial activities of Our Lady of the Assumption Church.  Registration shows you belong.   It is a statement of faith and confidence in the life and work of your parish. 

Registration is also necessary for certain benefits, like scheduling sacraments, obtaining sponsor certificates, and receiving donation statements for taxes.  Oftentimes, people believe that if they attend Mass at a particular parish they automatically belong.  And while we all belong to God’s holy Church, we as a parish community want to get to know who you are.

Additionally, young adults who are 21 years or older or have moved away and return years later, thinking that they are still registered under their parent’s registration. That is simply not the case.  When they want to plan their wedding or look to obtain a sponsor certificate, the parish is unable help since they are not officially registered with the parish — causing much frustration and hurt feelings on the part of the young adult.  The easiest way to avoid all of that is by registering.

Please complete the from at the top (where it says Register Here!) and return it to the parish office.

Your registration affects the parish in many ways. Census numbers can determine how many priests are assigned to a church, what benefits and obligations the community has to the diocese, and how Masses, confessions and devotions are planned and scheduled.

What are the benefits of registering in our parish?

Registered parish members may receive the following benefits:

  • You become an official member of a vibrant, dynamic, and faithful community
  • You may receive the following:  The Sacrament of Marriage; Sponsor Certificate(s); Funeral Mass
  • Your children may receive the following:  Sacraments of Baptism, First Reconciliation, First Holy Communion, and Confirmation
  • Be placed on the parish mailing list for important parish updates, events, and letters
  • Receive a free subscription to the monthly diocesan newspaper, the Fairfield County Catholic 
  • Receive end-of-year statement for their recorded contributions for income taxes
  • Be provided with numbered contribution envelopes for weekly, monthly, and special collections at Church
  • Receive a special rate on tuition at local Catholic schools
  • In the case of an emergency situation, the parish staff/clergy will know whom to contact

What are the benefits of using the parish support envelope?

Our parish mails collection envelopes to member households.  Using the envelope system is one way that a parish can verify your participation in weekly Mass should you request a sponsor certificate.  When you use the envelopes provided for the parish collections, all your contributions are recorded so that an end-of-year summary may be sent to you for income tax preparation.  If you  receive envelopes and no longer wish to or if you receive envelopes but do not use them, please contact the office.

Must I live in a certain area to register as a member of Our Lady of the Assumption Church?

While most of our parishioners come from the Fairfield and Bridgeport areas, we have a number of parishioners from outlying areas as well.  So, no, it is not necessary to live within the official parish boundaries to be a member of Our Lady of the Assumption Church.  All are welcome here!