Confirmation is a sacrament of mature Christian commitment to the faith as well as a deepening of baptismal gifts. It is the final of the three Sacraments of Initiation (the others are Baptism and the Eucharist). Most often it’s associated with the gifts of the Holy Spirit …
the spirit of [I] wisdom and [2] understanding, [3] right judgment and
[4] courage, [5] knowledge and [6] reverence, [7] wonder and awe.
Students who have completed their eighth year of religious education and who are ready to complete their initiation may receive this sacrament. Please note: candidates must have a sponsor who has submitted a sponsor certificate from their home parish to our Religious Education office.
The confirmation date is based on the bishop’s availability.
If you are an adult who is already baptized but has yet to be confirmed, please contact the rectory or the religious education office to make arrangements for further instruction.