
Readers Needed

It is an ancient teaching in the Church that Christ is truly present in His Word: the Word that is spoken, heard and acted upon. The Reader proclaims the Good News of Jesus Christ, making God present to the gathered community. If you are comfortable with public speaking and have a willingness to study the Scriptures and time to pray with the readings before each liturgical assignment, please consider becoming a lector at mass. Please contact the rectory for more details.

Readers proclaim the Word as a Living dialogue during the Liturgy of the Word, such as the Readings, the Responsorial Psalm, and the Prayer of the Faithful.  This allows the congregation to hear and respond to God present among us during Eucharistic Liturgies, Prayer Services, and Reconciliation Services.

If you are interested in proclaiming the Word, please contact Lisa at the parish office (203) 333-9065 

Prayer of Preparation for a Reader

Lord, invest me with your power as I prepare to proclaim the Marvel of your Message.  As I prepare my readings may I take with me the meaning of what I am about to read; help me, I ask, to read not just with my lips but with my whole heart and soul.  Lord, make me a hollow reed so that Your Voice will be heard by all who will hear me.  Free me of excessive concern over my performance, over the impression I create in this Sacred Action.  Convert my feelings of nervousness, turn all my apprehensions into an energy for proclaiming Your Word with power and authority.  May Your Spirit fill me as it fills the holy words that I am about to proclaim.  AMEN.

Prayer of Thanksgiving for a Reader

My Lord and Source of Divine Wisdom, Womb of the Word which I have been gifted to read to my brothers and sisters, help me as I now return to my daily duties, to live out in the fullest what I have proclaimed as Truth, what I have heralded as the Way and the Life.  I ask that my life may be an open gospel to all who observe my actions.  May my speech echo the Love of God, speak of the Lord’s Generosity and Patience.  Lord, what I ask is that I might become Your Word to my family and to all whom I encounter.  May this request be granted in Your Divine and Compassionate Mercy, through Jesus Christ, my Brother and Lord.  AMEN.