Father Mirek’s Announcements
2025 Mass Book
Our Book of Mass Intentions for 2025 will open on Monday, August 19th. Email Lisa at [email protected], drop off or send by mail your Mass Intention requests (PRINTED NEATLY) and include your phone number. You may also call the parish office during regular business hours. With the reduction of Evening Masses that will be offered in 2025, a new limit for Mass Intentions will be in place, in or- der to accommodate as many parishioners as possible. The new limit is 4 Mass Intentions for Saturday Vigil and Sun- day Masses, PLUS Holy Day of Obligation Masses, in- cluding Ash Wednesday, (weather the Holy Day falls on a weekend or weekday). For example, if you request a Mass on Wednesday, January 1st, the Solemnity of Mary (Holy Day of Obligation), it will go towards the 4 Mass limi- tations and not the weekly Mass limitation. There is a limit of 8 Intentions for our daily Masses. The total amount of Mass Intentions allowed is 12 Masses. We will continue to only celebrate the 5:30 PM Mass on Monday evenings and Holy Day of Obligation Masses, including the Vigils. These limitations are effective until the beginning of 2025. The Mass Stipend amount is $15, payment is due at the time of request, and can be mailed to our office, attention Lisa. If you are requesting a Mass intention and a Sanctuary/Devotional Candle, please issue separate checks for the Masses and light(s).
Sanctuary Candle
Request for our Sanctuary Candle for 2025 will also begin on Monday, August 19th. It is a beacon to all of the real presence of our Lord in our Church. You can reserve a weekly burning Sanctuary Candle (Sunday to Saturday) for a special intention or in memory of a loved one. The stipend amount is $25 (a separate check from Mass Intentions and Devotional Candle). At this time there is a limit of 4 weeks in 2025.
Devotional Candle
Starting on Monday, August 19th parishioners will also have the opportunity to sponsor the Devotional Candle for their intention during 2025. Your intention will be posted near the candle in the Alcove. The stipend amount for the devotional light will be $20 (a separate check from Mass Intentions and Sanctuary Candle). At this time there is a limit of 4 weeks.
Weekly Flower Offerings What better way to celebrate someone’s birthday, an anniversary, honor someone, or remember loved ones who are no longer with us by placing fresh flower arrangements on the altar or by the tabernacle. An announcement will appear in the bulletin to acknowledge your request. Please contact the parish office at least two weeks in advance to reserve an available week during this year and 2025, except during Advent and Lent. The cost of the flowers are $60.00 for the Altar and $40.00 for the Tabernacle.