National Eucharistic Pilgrimage

Sisters and brothers in Christ, continued happy Easter!
My name is Bilal Gilbertie, and I am serving as Parish representative to the Diocesan Eucharistic Renewal. As you may have read in the bulletin, beginning May 19th, two-weeks of processions, Adoration, and events will take place across our Diocese. Most notably, one of four National Eucharistic Pilgrimages will pass through from May 19-22, making a stop at our Parish on May 20th, as it travels from New Haven to the national Eucharistic Congress in Indianapolis. More information will be forthcoming as the date approaches.

In the meantime, I would like to highlight some of the spiritual significance of what promises to be a deeply important and meaningful event. Note the phrase “Eucharistic Renewal.” Bishop Caggiano specifically chose the term “Renewal” for our Dio- cese instead of ‘revival,’ because it is indicative of more lasting, intentional transformation. As St. Paul wrote to the Romans, “Do not be conformed to this age, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind…”

This season of Easter leading up to Pentecost is an ideal preparation time for entry into that transformative renewal. The Easter celebrations remind us that at Baptism, we are claimed by God and set apart from the world for a new and different life. The purpose of this new life is to know, love, and serve God, and to be happy; and of that life, as the Catechism states, “the Eucharist is the source and summit.”
“Summit,” of course, signifies the highest end of something, but it also implies a journey, perhaps an arduous one. Faith can sometimes be an arduous journey, especially faith in the Real Presence. Yet faith is not something which we ourselves create, but rather a response to God, Who constantly provides us with opportunities to draw closer to Him, and ever deeper into His mysteries.

This is the essence of the Eucharistic Renewal. It is a tangible renewal of Jesus’ accompaniment of His disciples, as He patiently met and guided them to perfect faith, whether on the road to Emmaus or in the Upper Room. It is necessary, however, that we place ourselves there – on the Road, in the Room, in Adoration, and at Mass, open to Jesus as He lovingly draws near to us.

No matter what stage of the spiritual journey you find yourself on, answer the call to renewal. Come before the Lord, and experience the conviction that only time spent in His Presence can bring, that renewed in faith we may be united as the people of God, drawing life from its unending source – the Body of Christ in the Holy Eucharist.