Fairfield Life Teen + Edge
Selton Collaborative Youth Group
All youth of our parish are invited to join a new initiative under the supervision of Selton Collaborative, called FAIRFIELD Life Teen & FAIRFIELD Edge between FOUR PARISHES in Fairfield; us – Assumption, St. Pius X, Holy
Family and Notre Dame Parish in Easton. Life Teen is open to 9th -12th graders and Edge is open to 6th -8th graders. Think about joining our weekly gatherings as a Catholic and be prepared for games, fellowship, inspiring talks, and real moments of encounter with Jesus. We are all looking forward to what God will accomplish in the lives of our teens this year. Visit: fairfieldlt.com to register and for schedule of meetings. For more information, contact William Staley, Regional Youth Minister at 203-255-6134
ext. 113 or email [email protected].
Fairfield Life Teen is a program for high school student (9th -12th graders) that meets on Sunday evenings from 6:30 PM to 8 PM at St. Pius X Church, Fairfield.
Fairfield Edge is a program for middle school students ( 6th -8th graders) that meets on Wednesday evenings from 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM at St. Pius X School Gym.