The Sacrament of Baptism is the initial step in a journey of lifelong commitment and discipleship. Baptism is the Church’s way of celebrating and enacting the embrace of God.
Registration as parish members are required for the new parents. If you currently are not registered in our parish, please fill out and return the parish census/registration form located on our website under the Home Tab and then Parish Membership or copies can be found in our Church vestibule.
Parents are required to attend a pre-Baptism class prior to the sacrament being administered. Godparents are highly encouraged to attend with the parents to fully understand sponsorship and ceremony requirements. Parents preparing to have their child baptized should contact the rectory as early as possible to register for the Baptismal Catechesis class. Parents and Godparents must attend classes which are held on the third Saturday of each month 10 AM in the parish center.
The sacrament of Baptism in held on Sundays after the 12:00 Mass (around 1 p.m.). Catholic godparents (sponsors) must submit the original Sponsor Certificate to the parish office from their respective home parishes at least one week prior to the Baptism ceremony.
If you are a registered parishioner at Our Lady of the Assumption and need to obtain a Sponsor Certificate, please contact the parish office for an appointment.